So after a vacation, a few small repairs, and the 1010 repair I am back to the Sansui 881. Parts have been here and everything is ready to go. If you saw the earlier post about testing this receiver it did well but not up to spec or equal. The plan is to replace electrolytics, and check all diodes / transistors for anything leaking. The chemi-con filter supply caps will be replaced which may be challenging since there is no 40mm replacement I can find.

The amp board was started last evening and will completed later so I’ll post some pics. The power supply is ready as well and may get overhauled tonight as well.

Update : Component replacement went very well and the board is in great shape. Be aware of your transistor substitution leg layouts as this board had EBC replaced with ECB. However, the board has trace adaptations for both layouts. Next, on to the power supply. Here is the before and after of the amp board.

