So this evening I started with a Pioneer SX-838 for a bench test before starting any restoration work. Sort of gives a baseline for the component to show what it was capable or incapable of before any work was performed. This receiver is in great shape and was well cared for. The previous owner did have two caps replaced on the power amp board that were problematic. Here is what was amazing…

If you can see the meter it reads 21.77v which translates to 59.24 watts! This test was done on an 8 ohm load at 1Khz after a 5 minute warm up. I tried to push the amp over 60 but immediately went into hard clipping. For the critics, no distortion was measured. This was merely a baseline value to establish before beginning restoration. With most of the components over 35 years old I was blown away by the power this receiver is putting out. It will be interesting to see how a restoration effects these numbers.

Over the next few days I will start digging into this receiver changing out parts as to make this receiver a reliable one for another several decades. It is in great condition and I am especially looking forward to the post restore testing and listening.

Once work is complete this receiver will most likely be offered for sale as I own way too many pieces already. If interested in this unit or to reserve contact me [email protected]