Pioneer SX-636 listening test, ready for delivery

Before any restored unit is sold I put in at least 20 hours of actual real world listening. No scope, no meters, just an audio source and a pair of my speakers that I am familiar with. It is my favorite part of any restoration and it definitely helps getting through any frustrations along the […]

Progress on NAD 7220PE

So another bit of bench time spent on this receiver. New output transistors and drivers. Replaced the factory power supply caps. Brought up slowly on the variac and watched for amperage spikes…nothing. Seems to be powering up well and not blowing fuses anymore. On to bias and alignment. To bias idle current of this amp […]

Pioneer SX-636 restore complete

So the SX-636 restoration is complete. Power, EQ, main amp boards are all recapped with new electrolytics And new transistors. The output transistors were changed to modern ON brand semiconductors and nichicon premium caps throughout. Brought the receiver slowly up on a variac last night to break in the new caps and aligned the bias. […]

Little earlier tonight, more pioneer sx-636 progress

So done a little earlier tonight and a load of work done today. The Pioneer SX-636 got a recap and retransistoring of the EQ board and the power amp board. The power amp also got new output transistors to replace the original toshiba set. I will be testing the originals for shorts and if they […]

Late bench session

So another late night bench session. It’s 1am and I’m off to bed. Two and a half hours tonight on power supply board and caps for a Pioneer SX-636 receiver. Replaced all electrolytics with Nichicon PW series and Fairchild transistors. Large power caps switched to Nichicon KW series and mounted under chassis as they are […]

Gotta love vintage ads

Besides enjoying pieces of vintage gear I also think some of the advertising from the era was excellent. I will share from time to time on here some of my favorite ads. Here is an ad from the Fisher Radio Corporation probably circa mid 60’s, click to make larger:  

New Tech Corner

Hello All, This site has been booming as of late with many new visitors and return visitors. I have decided to create by popular demand (ok a few people have asked) to create a sort of tech blog to make posts about anything related to this site and HiFI in general. This may include new […]